26/8/ · In this essay I will look at the way in which Shakespeare presents the witches to us in Macbeth and the role they play. However, before looking at them I believe a brief look at the background to the play would be beneficial in order to help understand the way in which they were presented in context with Jacobean blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins 2/6/ · Essay Sample: A discussion of the role of the witches in William Shakespeare's "Macbeth".In Shakespeare's time, many people were superstitious; they believed that that +1 () Free essays 16/5/ · The Role of the Witches in Macbeth In the play, Shakespeare used the witches to represent the supernatural, evil, a destructive force and an inversion of natural order. People believed that witches had the power to change the weather and other special
The Role of the Witches in Macbeth Essay - Words | Bartleby
The witches were trying to create chaos by prophesying to Macbeth in order to get him to act. But it was Macbeth who made the choices that determined his fate, macbeth witches essay. He was not forced to kill Duncan nor any of his other victims.
But after he murdered Duncan, Macbeth lost his sanity. The witches were easily able to control his mind. They made him believe that he was invincible, and then he willingly continued to fight when he knew that it would mean his doom, macbeth witches essay. The three witches called the weird sisters are the root of the problem that is the subject for this story. The weird sisters are creators of chaos by nature. They associate with evil spirits and obey them, and they are followers of the evil goddess, Hecate.
In the play the witches, with their spells, plan the downfall of Macbeth. They cannot directly harm him themselves, macbeth witches essay, so they tell Macbeth predictions for his possible future, in order to make him act on them.
The witches tell Macbeth that he will become the thane of Cawdor and then king of Scotland. They poison his mind with these prophesies, making him greedy and bringing out the evil qualities in his soul.
Macbeth witches essay the first of the promises is proven authentic, Macbeth then considers the idea of murdering Duncan for the first time. This is his first step on the journey to his demise, as the witches had planned. Macbeth does not easily make this decision. In fact, at first he decides against it, but, with the knowledge that he could be macbeth witches essay, he could not help himself from considering it.
After constant persuasion from Lady Macbeth, she and Macbeth finally made their decision. This act surges Macbeth forward on the direct path to his destruction. Afterwards, when Duncan is discovered dead, macbeth witches essay, Macbeth kills again when he murders the servants who were guarding Duncan. Claiming he acted in rage Macbeth kills the servants so that they cannot bear witness against him.
After Macbeth grows more sinful and overpowered with greed he does not make any real attempt to change, and his conscious is bothered by this.
Slowly Macbeth loses grasp of his sanity and self-control. Being consumed with power, Macbeth lets nothing stand in the way of his reign, because his reign is all that he has left now. He suffers from troubled sleep, nightmares and loss of appetite, and macbeth witches essay is going insane.
Also because Macduff does not attend the banquet and flees to England, Macbeth, in anger, decides to have his family murdered.
Macbeth has lost hope. With regret, he feels that he is past the point of no return, he has sinned so brutally and severely that he is unable to atone for macbeth witches essay. Macbeth goes to seek the witches in a dark cave. When he finds them, they present him with three apparitions.
He could never have guessed that the apparitions meant that Macduff did not have a natural birth and that the English would use trees as camouflage, macbeth witches essay. This false confidence Macbeth was given was extremely important to allow him to make his final decisions that resulted in his defeat. The apparitions made an effect on Macbeth and he acts foolishly because of them.
When he is told that Macduff has fled to England, Macbeth, in fury, orders his family murdered. When Macbeth finally realizes that he has been deceived by the witches his overconfidence turns into arrogance. A messenger reports to Macbeth that it appears that Birnam Wood is moving toward Dunsinane, as the apparitions had warned Macbeth it would. But Macbeth now is too determined to fight than to retreat, so he orders his soldiers to attack.
On the battlefield he feels trapped. But at the same time however, he clings to the prophesy that he cannot by killed by anyone born of a woman. When Macbeth is finally confronted by Macduff, Macduff explains that he was delivered by caesarian section and thus, technically, not born.
Now Macbeth fully understands the deception of the witches and realizes that he destined to die here. But when he is given the chance to live he does not take it, he would rather die than live in shame. By free will, despite knowing that he would probably die, Macbeth fights Macduff, and is slain. And he was not forced to do so, he took each step on the path to his destruction by choice, macbeth witches essay. I think he could have chosen to break away from the direction he was heading at anytime, but just simply did not havethe willpower.
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Character Analysis: The Witches in 'Macbeth'
, time: 9:40Role of the Witches in Macbeth Free Essay Example

26/8/ · The witches predictions have a huge impact on Macbeth and Banquo. The witches predictions are: “All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis. ” “All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor. ” “All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter. ” Macbeth and Banquo are really shocked at these blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 30/12/ · The Witches Influence on Macbeth Allison Schweinert Malling Hour 2 1/15/12 Throughout Macbeth, Shakespeare’s witches, or the “three weird sisters” (1. 3. 32) serve several purposes. With their persuasive techniques and ability to either see or influence the future, their most important role seems to be their power to influence decision-making and cause the initial deterioration of blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 26/8/ · In this essay I will look at the way in which Shakespeare presents the witches to us in Macbeth and the role they play. However, before looking at them I believe a brief look at the background to the play would be beneficial in order to help understand the way in which they were presented in context with Jacobean blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins
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