Feb 12, · 10 Lines On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay In English. Trees play a crucial role in the survival of all living beings on earth. Trees make their food by photosynthesis and provide us with food. Trees help in reducing soil erosion and air pollution. Trees boost up rainfall by adding to the moisture level of the atmosphere Trees provide a foundation to life. During photosynthesis, trees facilitate the breakdown of food materials in the presence of carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce carbohydrates. The carbohydrates promote the growth of food consumed by both humans such as apples and oranges and animals such as elephants, giraffes among other Sep 23, · 10 Lines on Importance of Trees Essay Trees are an important part of the ecosystem Trees take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen Trees are of many types, in fact, there are thousands of species of trees Trees provide animals with food and shelter Trees also provide humans with many important Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
The Importance of Trees. Essay - Words
Home » Essay » Essay on Importance of Trees. Trees have very much importance because they make the earth fit for the existence of humans and other living organisms. They provide us with air to breathe, food to eat and shelter to live and play a major role in keeping us alive and providing us a comfortable life. We should plant more and more trees to ensure a clean and green environment and to promote healthy essay on importance of trees. If there were no trees, then life on earth would not have been possible, it is our nature to keep the whole earth green and happy.
Trees continue to give us something throughout our life, yet we cut trees for our personal selfishness. Today it is a matter of great irony that we are bent upon destroying the trees that are giving us life.
Trees are true warriors who fight pollution for us right from birth and give us clean and beautiful environment. Trees have been on our earth for thousands of years, they cannot move but can breathe like humans. Trees absorb pure toxic carbon dioxide and provide pure oxygen to us.
Trees gives fruits and grains for us to eat throughout our life, rain is also due to which we get water to drink, clothes, wood for fuel, essay on importance of trees, paper, rubber, herbs for curing diseases.
During rainy days, essay on importance of trees, soil erosion is prevented, leaves of trees make the land fertile, trees give other animals an equal place to live and other valuable mineral wealth is also given by them. But gradually since industrialization and urbanization has increased, the trees have been indiscriminately harvested by humans, due to which the natural balance of the fall has been disturbed.
Due to lack of trees in cities, there is less rainfall and air pollution also remains in greater quantity. If the cutting of trees continues at this speed, then the day is essay on importance of trees far when the Earth will be essay on importance of trees. Trees are very important for our lives, so we have to make people aware and plant more and more trees so that our future will be safe and clean.
Trees are unique product of nature, trees are valuable assets of a country and they are also essay on importance of trees green gold. The climate is clean and beautiful essay on importance of trees there is a large amount of trees, also there is a lot of mineral wealth available to live life there.
But ever since we have started adopting western civilization and as urbanization is increasing, due to the growing of trees, essay on importance of trees, the trees are being harvested at a rapid speed, the trees are not being planted fast. This is not only happening in our country, it is happening all over the world, due to this the entire climate change of the earth has crooked.
The tree is our valuable asset, if we continue to exploit it, then this wealth will end then our life will also end. We have to understand the importance of trees because they are the protectors of the whole nature, as long as it is present on earth, then there is life on earth. Today, due to increasing urbanization and our slight selfishness, the number of trees has reduced, whose change you can see that the temperature of the earth is increasing and the environment has also become balanced.
Therefore, we have to increase the number of trees by becoming aware of today, our environment and life can continue to run smoothly. Trees have a lot of importance in our life because of the rise of human civilization and early people used to spend their lives in the group of trees forests. We have built houses with these leaves and branches, from which we have got wood for food and energy.
We have made weapons from trees and hunted with their help and science has also started from trees because when the first wheel was made it was made of wood. It is a matter of great irony that the trees due to which we are living today with so much happiness, essay on importance of trees, prosperity and taking clean oxygen, we are destroying them in return. According to a Hindi proverb, it is like hitting a battle-axe on your foot because as soon as the trees become extinct from our earth, human civilization will also be destroyed at the same time.
Trees are also very important in the life of wildlife animals because the tree is their home, essay on importance of trees, wildlife animals also get food only through trees. To avoid the scorching sun during the summer days, they sit in the shade of trees, some wildlife hide behind trees to hunt themselves. Birds build their nests on trees and use their small branches to make nests, therefore, where there are more trees, animal birds are found in large quantities. At present, the forest of trees has been replaced by cement forests, due to which the environment of the entire earth has been affected.
As long as trees exist on the earth, only human civilization exists, so we have to protect trees. Today the time has come again when the Chipko movement took place to save the trees because trees are being cut down for urbanization and big highways, but they are not being planted again. Forests are being indiscriminately harvested by some greedy people but nothing is being done by the government.
Not only our government has appointed many forest protectors to save trees, but they are also helping to cut down trees due to some greed. Due to this, the entire environment of the earth is being affected, if this continues, essay on importance of trees, then in the coming few years, there will be a lack of water to drink and food to eat, as well as the lack of the most important clean air for life.
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Write an essay on importance of trees - Short essay
, time: 6:08The Importance Of Planting Trees, Essay Sample

Trees provide a foundation to life. During photosynthesis, trees facilitate the breakdown of food materials in the presence of carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce carbohydrates. The carbohydrates promote the growth of food consumed by both humans such as apples and oranges and animals such as elephants, giraffes among other Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees | Importance of Tree Planting Essay For Children & Students. Trees and plants make the earth worth living. Without trees, we could not imagine life on the planet. It is important to plant trees because they provide oxygen to life and absorb carbon dioxide from animals Oct 13, · Essay on Importance of Trees Trees have very much importance because they make the earth fit for the existence of humans and other living organisms. They provide us with air to breathe, food to eat and shelter to live and play a major role in keeping us alive and providing us a comfortable blogger.coms: 1
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