· Bowlby’s attachment theory provides a strong framework for the comprehension of both the nature of close relationships and the link between the associations of children and how this affects their relationships as adults, as well as, various health issues concerning adults. The following research endeavor reviews the literature concerning the validity and reliability of the · Attachment theory offers an explanation of the manner in which the relationship between the parent and the child emerges and how it impacts subsequent development (McLeod, ; Bretherton, ). Attachment theory is the field of psychology emerged from the influential work of John Bowlby in · Essay On Attachment Theory. Topics: Developmental psychology, Attachment theory, Psychology Pages: 4 ( words) Published: October 6, For this assignment, I am choosing to write about the Attachment Theory, because the concepts of this theory had captured my attention during class. The Attachment Theory was discovered by John Bowlby, which he had examined and analyzed the relationships between a child and their caregiver
Attachment Theory Essay | Bartleby
We use cookies essay on attachment theory give you the best experience possible. Words:Paragraphs: 23, Pages: 8. Paper type: EssaySubject: Attachment Theory. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.
Attachment theory derives from psychoanalyic psychological science, nevertheless it is used in societal work to try to understand behavior in babyhood and childhood to demo the manner in which kids develop emotionally WALKER This theory centres on the thought that kids need to organize unafraid relationships with other people, such as parents or defenders, as it is a important contributer to their emotional development.
Social bonds and relationships that are made in early childhood are believed to act upon an persons life and can impact upon their wellbeing to find their emotional and societal stableness later in life, essay on attachment theory. Consequently, fond regard is seen as an built-in constituent within babies and immature childrens lives, as these experiences can determine a individuals personality and individuality in future old ages.
WALKER, J and K, CRAWFORD If these experiences of fond regard are negative, and the kid does non develop equal relationships with their health professionals, so this can hold detremental effects on their psychological and emotional development.
WALKER, J Don't use plagiarized sources. The Attachment theory originates from the thoughts of John Bowlby who believes that worlds are biological predispositioned to seek fond regard from others. He proposes that endurance is closely related to the ability to essay on attachment theory emotional bonds with other persons GREEN This is because by organizing an fond regard with an authorization figure who is seen as the stronger of the species, this reduces the exposure of the person as it provides increased security and protection from injury posed by possible marauders BOWLBYcited in LISHMAN The theory looks at the manner that attachment relationships are formed, and the grounds behind their manifestation.
Children are seen to organize these relationships for grounds such as safety, comfort and to supply guidence. These attachment behavior, harmonizing to larning theoreticians, are displayed in babyhood through speaking, express joying and shouting.
This enables them to persue their basic demands for endurance, such as nutrient for nurishment, by their fond regard to their essay on attachment theory parent who is able to back up them in carry throughing their demands WALKER, J and K, CRAWFORD This initial fond regard to health professionals besides guides the persons ideas, feelings and outlooks as they become cognizant of peoples responses towards them which help them recognize how to act WALKER The first, is that babies and immature kids develop emotional ties with persons early in life, which acts as a biological map and plays an built-in portion to their endurance.
The 2nd premise is that the manner a kid is treated early in life has a major lending factor to their future relationships and the manner their personality is formed. Although babies and immature kids are able to hold more than one attachment figure, they are still affected when they are exposed to seperation from their primary attachment essay on attachment theory. This can go on for many grounds, such as a kid being removed from a household place and placed into attention, essay on attachment theory, or possibly decease.
This can be a really distressful and confusing clip for a kid as they are diffident of who to turn to for security and protection. This is apparent in societal work pattern essay on attachment theory cases where essay on attachment theory abused kid wants to stay with its parents, even though it is non a stable or supportive fond regard LISHMAN Bowlby proposed that kids who have experienced seperation from their chief attachment figure will endure in a procedure affecting protest, dispair and withdrawal, in an effort to get the better of their loss BOWLBYcited in LISHMAN However, although Bowlby provided an of import part to the thought of fond regard, his research can be criticised in many ways.
This is because Bowlby tends to concentrate his thoughts on one primary figure of fond regard, frequently the female parent, when it is possible for kids to organize fond regards with other people within their lives such as their male parent. Besides, developing relationships with other people alongside the attachment figure is besides of import, this is because holding to trust on the caregiving relationship of one individual can be damaging due to the fact it frequently consequences in dependence and does non let other relationships to be formed with others, which can the impede the societal and emotional development of the kid WALKER, J and K, CRAWFORD Harmonizing to Lishmanthe fond regard theory believes that when a kid is stressed or afraid, they exhibit peculiar behavior and emotions which can be perceived as fond regard.
This is because they seek protection from injury through the aid and security of an grownup who they see as stronger than themselves. This is closly linked to two types of behavioral systems: the explorative behavioral system and the fear behavioral system.
The explorative behavioral system is based of the belief that when an baby or immature kid feels comfy and safe, the attachment behavior remains hibernating and hence the kid will be willing to research the people around them and their milieus, essay on attachment theory. However, if a kid feels threatened or vulnerable, essay on attachment theory, the fright behavioral system will go active, essay on attachment theory, where the kid will no longer seek geographic expedition and alternatively they will seek protection from their attachment figure and exhibit behavior related to that fond regard.
This means that babies and immature kids are non dependent upon the caregiving nature of the attachment figure, alternatively their purpose is to decrease their frights. There is a categorization of fond regard forms which identifies four different types of fond regard, essay on attachment theory, which attempts to enanble professionals to measure immature childrens behavior and emotions secure, ambivalent, essay on attachment theory, avoident and disorganised.
Secure fond regard is based of the belief that kids depend upon their health professional as a base for geographic expedition. The health professional is available to the kid and responds to the kids demands, therefore the kid behaves in a positive mode. Ambivalent attachment essay on attachment theory at how kids are unwilling to research their milieus as the health professional is non consistent in their support. This can go forth the kid distressed, clingy and dependant. The 3rd class is avoident forms of fond regard, and features an unresponsive health professional, therefore the kid feels rejected and they view themelves as dependent whilst actively avoiding or disregarding the health professionals presence.
And eventually, disorganized fond regard is where kids are fearful of their health professionals, and they themselves may experience confused or depressed. This type of fond regard is most frequently seen in kids who have suffered maltreatment HOWEcited in LISHMAN Social workers are seen to hold three functions to play when working within an attachment position: appraisal, planning and direct work with kids, parents and carers.
Assessment looks at countries within fond regard such as the demands of a kid, the rearing that they receive, essay on attachment theory, their emotional and behavioral development and the essay on attachment theory which they have formed. The 2nd function, planning, looks at how be aftering for new fond regards when puting kids with new households needs to be approached carefully. This is because they need happening the most suited parenting figures where new fond regards can be made.
The 3rd function is direct work with kids, parents and carers. This is because direct contact and communicating is necessary to accomplish the best possible result when working with kids and households. For illustration, when a kid has been removed from their place and is being placed with new carers, direct work can supply support to the kid to fix them for alteration.
It can besides be utile with the adoptive or surrogate household to supply guidence essay on attachment theory support towards what to anticipate and to assist with any jobs they face LISHMAN Attachment theory essay on attachment theory been used within societal work pattern as the footing for many kid attention policies.
Attachment theory had besides contributed to policies such as shared parental duty, as it has emhasised the demand for emotional and societal essay on attachment theory with health professionals, whilst besides proposing possible effects to a kid development and the negative impact later in life if these demands were non met efficaciously. LISHMAN This can enable them to derive an apprehension of at what point, if at any, intercession is necessary as it gives them essay on attachment theory ability to measure the fond regard that is present within the relationship.
The fond regard theory besides gives a more comprehensive apprehension of the loss experienced by an baby or kid when they lose their chief attachment figure. This means that people working within societal work pattern are cognizant of the common and typical behaviors of a kid who is traveling through this procedure and can therefore back up them to get the better of it.
A farther manner the fond regard theory is used to profit societal work pattern is that as it is known that fond regard figures are necessary for kids to develop adequately, persons such as adoptive parents can be taught to exhibit behavior which will promote new attachmentment from the kid which is needed for personal growing WALKER, J and K, CRAWFORD However, attention demands to be taken when puting a kid with a new household as to forestall a repeating loss of fond regard figures which can do them to fault themeselves and produce feelings of ineptitude.
This can intend guaranting that the kid is appropriatly prepared and ready to organize new bonds of fond regard and that the new carers of the kid receive sufficient support within their function.
Attachment theory can besides be linked to the manner in which a female parent bonds with her new born babe. Essay on attachment theory, these early bonds are non entirely restricted to female parents, it is besides possible for male parents. Although, this bond is typically formed within the first few hours after birth as the female parent and babe connect both physically and emotionally.
This cognition enables societal workers to back up female parents who are peculiarly vulnerable to hapless parenting, although this is merely effectual if the support continues throughout the first few months after the babe is born.
However, it is of import to observe that merely because a female parent fails to accomplish an initial bond with her babe, essay on attachment theory, this does non intend that maltreatment is inevitable. GREEN, V. Emotional development in Psychoanalysis, Attachment Theory and Neuroscience: Creating Connections. East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge. LISHMAN, J. Handbook for Practice and Learning in Social Work and Social Care: Knowledge and Theory.
London: Jessica Kingsley. About the author. This sample essay is completed by Harpera Social Sciences student. She studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. All the content of this paper is just her opinion on Attachment Theory Social Work Essay and should not be seen as the way of presenting the arguments. Attachment Theory Social Work Essay. com, Dec 07, Accessed May 19, comDec Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours 23 : 59 : Our customer support team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST.
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Bowlbys Monotrophy, Explanations of attachment: Attachment (3.03b) Psychology AQA paper 1
, time: 6:26Attachment Theory . Example | Graduateway

Bowlby Attachment Theory Essay Words4 Pages One of the main theories in Developmental psychology is the attachment theory that was devised by Bowlby () and was added to in , by Mary Ainsworth. The attachment theory surrounds the bond between a primary care giver and a baby · Attachment theory offers an explanation of the manner in which the relationship between the parent and the child emerges and how it impacts subsequent development (McLeod, ; Bretherton, ). Attachment theory is the field of psychology emerged from the influential work of John Bowlby in · Get Your Custom Essay on. Attachment Theory. Just from $13,9/Page. Get custom paper. Attachment is one of the key factors in correct emotional, biological and psychological development, and an incorrect application of attachment would result in various problems in later life for the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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