There are many heated arguments on one side of the other, and the issue is extremely controversial. Some say that it is an immoral drug that leads people to a life of crime; others say that marijuana can be medically beneficial to you, and that its prohibition brings about greater crime. In this essay, the legalization of marijuana will be supported, as marijuana does not Argumentative Essay On Marijuana Legalization. Words5 Pages. When is comes to marijuana many U.S citizens have mixed emotions on this topic. The people who are all for it, argue that it would have a great impact on health such as medical marijuana and a tremendous boost in our economy. The opposing side thinks that marijuana can lead into health issues as well as many teens being omitted to the E.R for the marijuana The constant argument on whether to legalize marijuana for everyone or keep it illegal and only used for medical purposes needs to come to a close. While a large and growing number of people want to legalize it because of its medical uses, the side effects of this drug cause cancer and development problems; the disadvantages clearly outweigh the advantages of it
Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Argumentative Essay Example
The legalization of marijuana has recently been a rather controversial issue, although there should be no issue at all. Marijuana should be legalized, argument essay on legalizing weed. Prohibition was once tried with alcohol and it was a proven failure, and it should be soon proven again with marijuana. Marijuana is a relatively safe drug, especially when compared to other illegal drugs and even some legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco.
There are many reasons marijuana is illegal and frowned upon today; most of which are irrational or ill-informed, while the rest are underlying reasons and irrelevant to the actual safety of argument essay on legalizing weed and its users.
There are many obvious benefits to society if marijuana were to be legalized. This includes the elimination of a large portion of underground drug dealers and their consumers. Financially, the common taxpayer would also be positively impacted.
Not to mention the many jobs that would be created for American citizens in order to actually produce and market the marijuana. Medicinal reasons should also be accounted for, which include the need of medical marijuana for patients to live without pain. Argumentative Essay on Legalization of Marijuana.
To put it simply; ill and ailing people are denied life-altering medicine because marijuana is illegal. Marijuana is a proven, effective, medicine. Included in this report is evidence supporting, to a lesser extent, marijuana relieving clinical depression, and was also shown to suppress nausea and vomitting commonly associated with chemotherapy. Marijuana can also be especially effective in improving the appetite of AIDS and cancer patients. Marijuana is, in every way possible, safer than alcohol.
Alcohol is toxic to healthy cells and organs, a side effect that results directly in about thirty-five thousand deaths in the US annually from resulting illnesses.
Heavy alcohol consumption can depress the central nervous system, inducing unconsciousness, coma and death. Worldwide, argument essay on legalizing weed, alcohol consumption causes a staggering four percent of all deaths worldwide; more than AIDS, tuberculosis or violence 3. By contrast, the active compounds in marijuana, argument essay on legalizing weed, known as cannabinoids, are relatively nontoxic to humans. Unlike alcohol, marijuana is incapable of causing a fatal overdose, and its use it inversely associated with aggression and injury.
The difference between marijuana and tobacco is even more evident. There is a common myth floating around claiming that one marijuana joint is equal to five cigarettes.
This false conclusion is originally derived from a study by Dr. Donald Tashkin in which the researcher examined airflow resistance in the lungs of tobacco smokers compared to that in the lungs of marijuana smokers 4.
But what is not usually told is that, ironically, Dr. Tashkin also found, in the largest study ever of its kind, other, more important markers of lung health, in which marijuana smokers did much better than tobacco smokers. Zero people have died from the use of marijuana, nor has there been a case of marijuana causing any form of cancer. The fact that marijuana is illegal today is sufficiently caused by the amount of money, jobs, and pride invested in the war on drugs. The government simply cannot turn back, argument essay on legalizing weed.
They make a concerted effort to inform American citizens that marijuana is bad for the taxpayers. Billions of dollars have gone towards fighting the war on drugs — marijuana specifically - which would seem wasted if all this money was spent on something that was legalized anyway. The US government, as an investor, is in a relatively unique situation. They would never abandon such a huge investment, unless they had to politically.
Of course, there are many voices to be heard when concerning counter-arguments to the legalization of marijuana. Unfortunately, many can be disproven logically. Without a set standard of morals, the government or anyone else for that matter should have no right enforcing one set of morals onto another, especially if no one but themselves are affected.
Marijuana is not physically addictive in any way as are cigarettes; you can get addicted to marijuana just as you would get addicted to food, sex or argument essay on legalizing weed else in life, for it is only psychologically addictive.
There are those that claim that marijuana is a gateway drug, and therefore, should not be legalized. The use of marijuana is not as harmful as the government wants its people to believe, but nevertheless the government sponsors scare tactics on TV, using misleading or wrong information.
Marijuana causes absolutely no long term health issues and can improve the quality of life of millions of sick, ailing people. Accessed May 19, Argumentative Essay on Legalization of Marijuana Categories: Health Marijuana Tuberculosis Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized. Download paper. Essay, Pages 5 words. Get a verified writer to help you with Argumentative Essay on Legalization of Marijuana. Top Writers. Verified expert.
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3 Arguments Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal Reviewed
, time: 9:403 Arguments for and Against Legalizing Marijuana | The Motley Fool

There are many heated arguments on one side of the other, and the issue is extremely controversial. Some say that it is an immoral drug that leads people to a life of crime; others say that marijuana can be medically beneficial to you, and that its prohibition brings about greater crime. In this essay, the legalization of marijuana will be supported, as marijuana does not Rogerian Argument for Marijuana Legalization The cannabis plant has been the topic of much debate throughout the history of this country. Many people don't know that it was not the effect of cannabis that originally spurred its banning. It was actually originally the work of the cotton industry who put big money behind illegalization for the May 27, · Legalizing marijuana would result in saving vast sums of money. Paragraph 4: Marijuana is less noxious than other legal substances. Marijuana has less health side effects than other legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol is times more destructive than marijuana. Paragraph 5: Marijuana has been proven to have medical blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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